

can we learn can we learn from books?
a tour of on-line resources



No doubt, opening an encyclopedia we can learn the year Hitler attacked Paris and the like - but this is not what our question asks. «Can we learn from books?» primarily means, «can we learn from a book whatever is always absolutely necessary for us to know and remember?» Accordingly, our question does not imply writing as totally unworthy - the texts we gathered are clear on this, and we couldn't deny the value of reading and writing by offering textual arguments! It is about a study of the real value of the written word.


Part 1:

7η Επιστολή: ΄Ο,τι αξίζει δεν μπορεί να γραφεί

Phaedrus: Speech & Writing

Reading is Bad for your Health

Part 2:

Accounts of Medieval Literacy and Education

Augustine the Reader: Meditation, Self-Knowledge and the Ethics of Interpretation

L'Imaginaire du Livre a la Fin du Moyen Age: Pratiques de Lecture, Theorie de l'Ecriture


The Teacher (within Christianity)

Ο Πνευματικός Πατέρας (στην Ορθόδοξη Παράδοση)



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